Rosy Salazar

Rosa María Salazar (Rosy) is an artist born in Monterrey, Nuevo León, whose passion for art has been a constant throughout her life.

In 1993, he obtained his Law Degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

However, her artistic inclination led her to carry out a series of studies and diplomas that have nurtured her development as an artist.

In 2004-2009, he immersed himself in the world of analog and digital photography through studies and diploma courses taught by Maestro Saúl Serrano at the Centro de Arte Fotográfico in Mexico City.

From 2011 to 2016, he participated in various art courses at Casa Lamm, covering topics such as Art History, Curatorship, Art and Politics, Techniques of the Great Masters, Visual Analysis of the Image, Exhibitions, Fairs and Biennials, as well as Theory of Art, among others.

Between 2012 and 2020, she was part of the Abstract Painting graduates at the Hellenic Cultural Center, guided by Maestra Rocío Klápes.

From 2015 to 2021, he enriched himself in the world of engraving through the workshop given by the Spanish Master, Elizabeth Beneth.

In 2020, Rosa María broadened her horizons with a Diploma in Art Therapy, endorsed by the National Autonomous University of Mexico, taught by the Integral Center for Art Therapy, SC

Rosa María has left a significant mark in the world of artistic exhibitions, both individual and collective:

In 2018, he presented "En abstracto" at the Valle Escondido Golf Club, State of Mexico, and in 2022, he exhibited "Natural Impressions" at the Mexican Petroleum Institute.

His presence in collective exhibitions is notable. His participation in relevant events such as "Picasso in Memory" in Madrid in May 2023, "100 Fridas for Frida" in Paris and Madrid in November 2022, and "Mirada Latinoamericana Actual" in Brazil in October 2021, among others.

Teaching and Workshops

He has not only dedicated himself to his own work, but has also shared his knowledge. In 2019, he taught a painting workshop for children, and in 2023, he held the "Atrévete a ExpresArte" Art Therapy Workshop, demonstrating his commitment to art as a therapeutic and educational tool.

Rosy is a multifaceted artist who has woven a solid career in the art world, with a diverse background and prominent participation in national and international exhibitions. Her passion for art and her commitment to teaching make her an influential figure in today's art scene.